Ciarán’s Bio

meHello All!

My name is Ciarán Carragher. I’m 27 years old and I live in Offaly (North Wicklow Origins). Listed below are a few of my favourite things:-

Favourite Film: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind

Favourtite Album: Turn on the Bright Lights- Interpol

Favourite Book- Less Than Zero- Bret Easton Ellis

Favourite Sports Team- Newcastle United/ New York Giants

I am excited to be taking up the opportunity to study such a relevant course as this is in today’s social media world. I chose Creating and Publishing Print Media as a course because I have always wanted to be able to obtain the tools necessary to communicate on the internet beyond the existing methods I use, such as,  forums and online messaging services like Facebook Messenger.

I hope to achieve valuable knowledge in this field that I can take with me into any future endeavors I am willing to undertake. But I also would love to gain a passion for this and especially learning how to create fantastic digital photographs!


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